WEBVTT 00:03.640 --> 00:06.380 Good morning and welcome to today's 00:06.380 --> 00:09.690 ceremony to unveil the 2021 National P . 00:09.690 --> 00:12.960 O W . M . I . A recognition day poster . 00:13.540 --> 00:15.540 Today's official party includes the 00:15.540 --> 00:17.429 Deputy Secretary of Defense , the 00:17.429 --> 00:19.310 honorable Kathleen Hicks and the 00:19.310 --> 00:21.532 director of the defense P . O . W . M . 00:21.532 --> 00:23.770 I . A accounting agency , Mr kelly 00:23.770 --> 00:26.940 McCague . We are grateful to have a 00:26.940 --> 00:30.190 former POW here , family members , 00:30.200 --> 00:33.670 veteran service organizations and those 00:33.670 --> 00:36.130 tuning in via livestream joining us 00:36.130 --> 00:39.540 today . Please join me . Yeah , 00:40.040 --> 00:41.707 in the pledge of allegiance , 00:43.930 --> 00:46.770 I pledge allegiance to the flag of the 00:46.770 --> 00:49.570 United States of America and to the 00:49.570 --> 00:52.300 republic for which it stands . one 00:52.300 --> 00:55.890 Nation under God indivisible with 00:55.890 --> 00:58.060 liberty parole . 00:59.840 --> 01:03.700 Thank you . National P O W . 01:03.700 --> 01:05.367 M . I . A recognition Day was 01:05.367 --> 01:08.220 established in 1979 through a 01:08.230 --> 01:10.397 proclamation signed by president jimmy 01:10.397 --> 01:13.510 carter . Since then , each subsequent 01:13.510 --> 01:15.340 president has issued an annual 01:15.340 --> 01:17.820 proclamation Commemorating the third 01:17.820 --> 01:21.220 friday in september as national P O W . 01:21.220 --> 01:24.060 M . I . A recognition day . Since 01:24.060 --> 01:27.280 1999 The Department of Defense has 01:27.280 --> 01:30.320 created a poster Commemorating National 01:30.320 --> 01:33.480 P O W . M . I . A recognition day . The 01:33.480 --> 01:36.510 2021 edition of the poster continues 01:36.510 --> 01:39.230 this tradition and we are grateful that 01:39.230 --> 01:41.286 you are all here to commemorate this 01:41.286 --> 01:44.610 special moment with us . Today . We 01:44.610 --> 01:46.777 have gathered to honor and acknowledge 01:46.777 --> 01:49.190 those that have sacrificed so much for 01:49.190 --> 01:52.360 our nation and survived harsh captivity 01:52.380 --> 01:55.320 to return with honor . We are 01:55.320 --> 01:57.780 especially honored to have retired Air 01:57.780 --> 02:00.060 Force Colonel Michael Brazleton , a 02:00.060 --> 02:02.650 former Vietnam war prisoner of war , 02:02.660 --> 02:05.160 and his wife , Gloria with us . Today , 02:08.140 --> 02:11.140 we have also gathered , unified in our 02:11.140 --> 02:13.830 belief that every unaccounted for us , 02:13.830 --> 02:16.330 service member and civilian from our 02:16.330 --> 02:18.680 past conflicts should never be 02:18.680 --> 02:22.160 forgotten . These men and women who 02:22.160 --> 02:24.790 paid such a heavy price for the cause 02:24.790 --> 02:27.710 of freedom deserve the fullest possible 02:27.720 --> 02:30.930 accounting We are honored to have with 02:30.930 --> 02:34.080 us today , Miss Ann Mills Griffith , 02:34.100 --> 02:36.211 chairman of the Board of the National 02:36.211 --> 02:39.550 League of Families and Family member of 02:40.740 --> 02:42.880 Navy Commander James Mills who went 02:42.880 --> 02:46.210 missing in action in 1966 and was 02:46.210 --> 02:49.160 accounted for in 2018 . 02:50.740 --> 02:53.420 We are also honored to have guests of 02:53.420 --> 02:56.040 honor from D . O . D . Leadership . The 02:56.040 --> 02:59.620 honourable Gina jones , Acting 02:59.630 --> 03:01.680 Secretary of the Air Force . The 03:01.680 --> 03:03.890 honourable James Gertz performing the 03:03.890 --> 03:06.370 duties of the Deputies under Secretary 03:06.470 --> 03:10.010 of the Navy . We also have 03:10.020 --> 03:12.300 distinguished visitors from via from 03:12.300 --> 03:14.730 veteran service organizations . Mr 03:14.730 --> 03:17.010 Justin heart of the disabled veterans 03:17.010 --> 03:20.360 of America . Mr WAde , Ishimoto 03:20.840 --> 03:22.729 of the Special Forces and Special 03:22.729 --> 03:26.470 Operations associations and MS Rhonda 03:26.480 --> 03:30.070 Powell of the american legion . It is 03:30.070 --> 03:32.510 my honor to introduce the director of 03:32.510 --> 03:34.566 the P . O . W . M . I . A accounting 03:34.566 --> 03:36.560 agency . Mr Kelly McCague . 03:41.340 --> 03:43.960 Okay , good morning to all 03:43.970 --> 03:46.026 distinguished guests . We are deeply 03:46.026 --> 03:47.859 honored that you're here able to 03:47.859 --> 03:49.803 participate with us today . Deputy 03:49.803 --> 03:51.914 Secretary Hicks , thank you again for 03:51.914 --> 03:54.026 officiating at this important event . 03:54.026 --> 03:56.248 Whenever enemies of freedom jeopardized 03:56.248 --> 03:58.359 our liberties , millions of americans 03:58.740 --> 04:00.990 have answered the call to duty . An 04:00.990 --> 04:04.600 important subset of these heroes are 04:04.600 --> 04:06.322 those service members who were 04:06.322 --> 04:08.570 prisoners of war . Like Colonel 04:08.570 --> 04:11.260 brazleton in facing inconceivable 04:11.260 --> 04:14.050 hardships and extreme suffering . They 04:14.050 --> 04:16.590 persevered with inordinate courage and 04:16.590 --> 04:19.380 resilience . As Stephen said to return 04:19.380 --> 04:22.050 home with honor . Another important 04:22.050 --> 04:24.520 group are the tens of thousands who are 04:24.520 --> 04:26.576 tragically still missing in action . 04:27.030 --> 04:29.252 They made the supreme sacrifice for our 04:29.252 --> 04:31.030 nation , and their families are 04:31.030 --> 04:33.252 burdened with the grief of their loss , 04:33.252 --> 04:35.690 which has been exacerbating exacerbated 04:35.700 --> 04:39.120 by the inherent uncertainty . America's 04:39.120 --> 04:41.398 steadfast commitment to its POWs and M . 04:41.398 --> 04:43.620 I . A . S . Has spanned decades . It is 04:43.620 --> 04:45.398 manifested no more tangibly and 04:45.398 --> 04:47.453 profoundly than by the extraordinary 04:47.453 --> 04:49.676 lengths the Department of Defense takes 04:49.676 --> 04:52.100 to find , recover and identify the 04:52.100 --> 04:54.360 remains of its unreturned veterans . 04:55.230 --> 04:57.900 The work is complex , arduous and often 04:57.900 --> 05:00.410 involves great risk . It is also a 05:00.410 --> 05:02.690 humanitarian effort that benefits from 05:02.690 --> 05:05.580 the cooperation of 46 partner nations 05:05.590 --> 05:08.460 where fallen Americans still lie . This 05:08.460 --> 05:10.810 very day . Teams are operating in Laos , 05:10.950 --> 05:13.940 great Britain , Germany France , italy 05:13.950 --> 05:17.800 Austria Poland and Croatia , another 05:17.800 --> 05:19.967 tangible manifestation of our nation's 05:19.967 --> 05:22.300 commitment to its P . O . W . S . And M . 05:22.300 --> 05:24.411 I . A . S , occurs every third friday 05:24.411 --> 05:26.522 in september with the designation and 05:26.522 --> 05:29.040 presidential proclamation of national P . 05:29.040 --> 05:30.960 O . W . M . I . A recognition day 05:31.520 --> 05:33.464 military installations and federal 05:33.464 --> 05:35.520 facilities across the globe pause to 05:35.520 --> 05:37.320 pay tribute to the inordinate 05:37.320 --> 05:40.310 sacrifices are a former POWs and to the 05:40.310 --> 05:42.560 last full measure of devotion given by 05:42.560 --> 05:45.180 our M . I . A . S . The poster to be 05:45.180 --> 05:47.347 unveiled today serves to further raise 05:47.347 --> 05:49.236 the nation's consciousness of its 05:49.236 --> 05:53.110 sacred obligation in which we do to 05:53.110 --> 05:56.460 fully fulfill the iconic P . O . W . M . 05:56.460 --> 05:58.516 I . A . Flag that you see throughout 05:58.516 --> 06:01.950 this hallway stands as a stark reminder 06:02.340 --> 06:05.250 to all of us You are never forgotten . 06:06.140 --> 06:08.830 This is not and cannot be an empty and 06:08.830 --> 06:11.570 treaty . God bless our department and 06:11.570 --> 06:13.150 nation for not forgetting . 06:19.540 --> 06:21.620 Thank you Mr McCague . Ladies and 06:21.620 --> 06:23.564 Gentlemen , the honorable Kathleen 06:23.564 --> 06:25.800 Hicks serves as the 35th Deputy 06:25.800 --> 06:28.000 Secretary of Defense , A national 06:28.000 --> 06:30.056 security leader with a distinguished 06:30.056 --> 06:31.778 and impactful career , both in 06:31.778 --> 06:34.120 government and the private sector . Dr 06:34.120 --> 06:36.590 Hicks earned her PhD in political 06:36.590 --> 06:38.710 science from the massachusetts 06:38.710 --> 06:41.240 Institute of Technology madam . 06:41.240 --> 06:42.240 Secretary . 06:45.940 --> 06:49.160 Yeah , thank you very much for that 06:49.160 --> 06:51.830 kind introduction and thank you to Mr 06:51.830 --> 06:54.200 McCaig for your leadership and for the 06:54.200 --> 06:56.540 work that your team does . Like 06:56.540 --> 06:58.873 Secretary Austin said earlier this year , 06:58.873 --> 07:00.762 the defense P . O . W . M . I , a 07:00.762 --> 07:03.330 accounting agency has a more profound 07:03.340 --> 07:06.150 impact than most americans can imagine . 07:06.740 --> 07:08.907 And I'd like to especially welcome the 07:08.907 --> 07:11.018 families who are with us this morning 07:11.018 --> 07:13.240 as well as the representatives from our 07:13.240 --> 07:15.570 veterans organizations . You're strong 07:15.570 --> 07:18.200 and enduring advocacy contributes to 07:18.210 --> 07:20.710 vigorous pursuit of the P . O . W . M . 07:20.710 --> 07:22.932 I . A mission here at the Department of 07:22.932 --> 07:26.550 Defense . I am especially pleased also 07:26.550 --> 07:28.830 to welcome former Vietnam POW Colonel 07:28.830 --> 07:31.080 Michael Brazelton from the U . S . Air 07:31.080 --> 07:33.130 Force , who incredibly spent 07:33.140 --> 07:37.120 2402 days in captivity . It's 07:37.120 --> 07:39.064 great to have you here back at the 07:39.064 --> 07:42.240 pentagon . Since the Revolutionary War , 07:42.250 --> 07:44.280 the United States has had more than 07:44.280 --> 07:47.860 500,000 service members held as POWs 07:48.540 --> 07:50.920 from World War Two to Operation Iraqi 07:50.920 --> 07:54.420 Freedom 81,900 U . S . 07:54.420 --> 07:58.100 personnel remain uncounted for December 07:58.100 --> 08:00.800 seven of this year . Will mark the 80th 08:00.810 --> 08:03.340 anniversary of the US entry into World 08:03.340 --> 08:05.930 War II Today , approximately 08:05.930 --> 08:09.520 72,000 us personnel remain 08:09.530 --> 08:12.790 unaccounted for from that conflict On 08:12.800 --> 08:16.620 this day . In 1953 , 3 years after 08:16.620 --> 08:19.160 its start , the United Nations Command 08:19.160 --> 08:21.160 reached an armistice with China and 08:21.160 --> 08:23.382 North Korea to cease hostilities in the 08:23.382 --> 08:25.750 Korean War . More than 08:25.750 --> 08:29.110 7500 Americans remain 08:29.120 --> 08:32.350 unaccounted for from the Korean War And 08:32.350 --> 08:35.170 this year marks the 36th anniversary of 08:35.170 --> 08:38.080 the first US Vietnam joint field 08:38.080 --> 08:40.430 operation to recover us missing 08:40.430 --> 08:43.400 personnel . This was an activity that 08:43.400 --> 08:45.980 predated normalization of relations by 08:45.980 --> 08:49.900 10 years . More than 1500 08:49.910 --> 08:52.460 U . S . personnel remain missing from 08:52.460 --> 08:56.300 the Vietnam War . Make no mistake 08:56.310 --> 08:58.780 working closely with partner nations . 08:58.790 --> 09:00.850 The Department of Defense is firmly 09:00.850 --> 09:02.740 committed to the fullest possible 09:02.740 --> 09:04.907 accounting for those U . S . Personnel 09:04.907 --> 09:07.340 who remain missing . We owe nothing 09:07.340 --> 09:09.710 less to the families who continue to 09:09.710 --> 09:11.766 wait for answers about the losses of 09:11.766 --> 09:15.000 their loved ones quoting Vietnam 09:15.000 --> 09:16.722 veterans of America . National 09:16.722 --> 09:18.944 President john Roan , the P O W . M . I 09:18.944 --> 09:21.290 A flag symbolizes our nation's 09:21.290 --> 09:24.090 commitment to resolving the fates of 09:24.090 --> 09:27.270 those still listed as prisoner missing 09:27.270 --> 09:30.200 and unaccounted uh for from all 09:30.200 --> 09:33.490 conflicts . This administration is 09:33.490 --> 09:35.434 carrying out the nation's enduring 09:35.434 --> 09:37.768 commitment to our P . O . W . And M . I . 09:37.768 --> 09:39.990 A . Sisters and brothers in a number of 09:39.990 --> 09:42.720 ways . You may recall that in this past 09:42.730 --> 09:45.250 april on national former prisoner of 09:45.250 --> 09:47.800 war recognition day , President biden 09:47.810 --> 09:50.290 restored the P O W . M . I . A flag 09:50.300 --> 09:53.200 atop the White House And in his March 09:53.210 --> 09:56.300 four message to the force Secretary 09:56.300 --> 09:58.700 Austin explained that taking care of 09:58.700 --> 10:01.280 our people is a top priority of this 10:01.280 --> 10:04.390 Department of Defense . That includes 10:04.400 --> 10:07.430 ensuring the Defense POW MIA accounting 10:07.440 --> 10:10.230 Agency has the resources it needs to 10:10.230 --> 10:13.590 carry out its vital mission commitment , 10:13.590 --> 10:15.760 then , is a fitting theme for this 10:15.760 --> 10:18.260 year's P . O W . M . I . A poster . 10:18.640 --> 10:21.660 America's commitment globally fulfilled . 10:22.340 --> 10:25.420 On september 17th National P O W M I . 10:25.420 --> 10:27.990 A recognition Day events will take 10:27.990 --> 10:30.590 place all across the United States and 10:30.590 --> 10:32.534 that U . S . Facilities around the 10:32.534 --> 10:35.230 world . It is a time for us to honor 10:35.230 --> 10:37.450 those U . S . Personnel who were held 10:37.450 --> 10:40.360 captive and returned as well as those 10:40.370 --> 10:43.100 who remain missing from past wars and 10:43.100 --> 10:46.400 their families and the recognition day 10:46.400 --> 10:48.830 poster that we are about to unveil 10:48.840 --> 10:51.820 sustains awareness of the sacrifices of 10:51.820 --> 10:55.380 our P O . W . S and M . I A S . It is 10:55.380 --> 10:57.340 an homage , a reminder of our 10:57.340 --> 11:00.280 commitment to the noble mission of full 11:00.290 --> 11:02.600 accounting of our missing and providing 11:02.600 --> 11:05.380 answers to their families . I want to 11:05.380 --> 11:07.920 thank you for joining us today for this 11:07.920 --> 11:10.370 commemoration . It's a sign of your own 11:10.370 --> 11:12.580 commitment of our nation's commitment 11:12.590 --> 11:15.170 to our p O W . S and M I A s . And with 11:15.170 --> 11:17.059 that I believe we will unveil the 11:17.059 --> 11:18.059 poster . 11:22.540 --> 11:24.720 Thank you , Madam , Secretary at this 11:24.720 --> 11:27.500 time , Colonel Brazelton , Miss and 11:27.500 --> 11:29.960 Mills Griffith and mr Hart will join 11:29.960 --> 11:32.330 Deputy Secretary of Defense to unveil 11:32.330 --> 11:35.360 this year's P O W M I . A recognition 11:35.360 --> 11:36.160 Day poster . 11:54.140 --> 11:55.140 No , 12:00.440 --> 12:01.440 Yeah , 12:11.340 --> 12:13.470 ladies and gentlemen , this concludes 12:13.470 --> 12:15.637 today's ceremony . Thank you again for 12:15.637 --> 12:17.470 attending and for your continued 12:17.470 --> 12:19.581 support of our mission to provide the 12:19.581 --> 12:21.526 fullest possible accounting of our 12:21.526 --> 12:23.637 missing and unaccounted for . At this 12:23.637 --> 12:25.748 time , we would like to ask our other 12:25.748 --> 12:25.710 guests from the families and veterans 12:25.710 --> 12:28.080 groups to join the Deputy Secretary for 12:28.080 --> 12:29.560 a photo with the poster .