WEBVTT 00:03.920 --> 00:06.639 Exercise . Cyber coalition is a NATO 00:06.650 --> 00:09.220 event led by their allied command 00:09.229 --> 00:11.229 transformation . It's their largest 00:11.229 --> 00:13.340 defensive cyber exercise that they've 00:13.340 --> 00:16.409 been holding since 2008 16th . Air 00:16.420 --> 00:18.587 Force has a robust footprint . In this 00:18.587 --> 00:20.364 exercise , we're playing at the 00:20.364 --> 00:22.309 strategic operational and tactical 00:22.309 --> 00:24.253 echelons for the strategic piece . 00:24.253 --> 00:26.087 We're role playing one of NATO'S 00:26.087 --> 00:28.309 component commands specifically the air 00:28.309 --> 00:30.364 component command at the operational 00:30.364 --> 00:32.531 tactical levels . We are incorporating 00:32.531 --> 00:34.476 our cyber defenders to play in the 00:34.476 --> 00:36.253 range environment to find cyber 00:36.253 --> 00:37.976 incidents and then report that 00:37.976 --> 00:39.698 information up to their higher 00:39.698 --> 00:41.753 headquarters as we find ourselves in 00:41.753 --> 00:43.689 this era of long term great power 00:43.700 --> 00:46.520 competition . It's absolutely important 00:46.529 --> 00:48.473 that we continue to strengthen the 00:48.473 --> 00:50.640 bonds that we have with our allies and 00:50.640 --> 00:52.640 partners so that we can sharpen our 00:52.640 --> 00:55.080 competitive edge , secure our common 00:55.090 --> 00:57.450 interests and then to promote those 00:57.459 --> 01:01.380 shared values . 16th Air force's role 01:01.389 --> 01:04.510 in Cyber coalition is to enhance NATO 01:04.519 --> 01:06.690 partners , cyber defense capabilities 01:07.110 --> 01:09.510 while improving overall co ordination 01:10.029 --> 01:12.639 in the event of a cyber attack . And 01:12.650 --> 01:14.650 I'm here to tell you that 16 th air 01:14.650 --> 01:16.949 force airmen are empowered , they're 01:16.959 --> 01:19.000 ready , they're willing and able to 01:19.010 --> 01:20.970 support our allies and partners in 01:20.980 --> 01:22.269 securing our networks .