1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:07,320 --> 00:00:09,431 We are here in Corpus Christi , Texas 3 00:00:09,431 --> 00:00:11,098 working with the Oasis County 4 00:00:11,098 --> 00:00:13,264 government uh performing a 10 day full 5 00:00:13,264 --> 00:00:15,264 scope vulnerability assessment . Uh 6 00:00:15,264 --> 00:00:17,320 We've brought together a joint Total 7 00:00:17,320 --> 00:00:19,431 force team of 30 individuals spanning 8 00:00:19,431 --> 00:00:22,389 15 units being able to work alongside 9 00:00:22,399 --> 00:00:24,177 our sister services during this 10 00:00:24,177 --> 00:00:26,066 training mission is an incredible 11 00:00:26,066 --> 00:00:28,121 opportunity for myself and the other 12 00:00:28,121 --> 00:00:30,343 space force members . Our , our biggest 13 00:00:30,343 --> 00:00:32,455 goal to get out of here is uh to make 14 00:00:32,455 --> 00:00:34,343 sure that we have all of our data 15 00:00:34,343 --> 00:00:36,343 protected , make sure that we don't 16 00:00:36,343 --> 00:00:38,455 have any gaps out there . That's kind 17 00:00:38,455 --> 00:00:40,621 of what the it team is bringing to the 18 00:00:40,621 --> 00:00:42,788 table . It's a unique opportunity that 19 00:00:42,788 --> 00:00:42,659 provides us with the ability to trade 20 00:00:42,669 --> 00:00:44,669 across eight cyber work roles while 21 00:00:44,669 --> 00:00:46,725 also providing a service valued over 22 00:00:46,725 --> 00:00:48,502 five $1000 . We get to help the 23 00:00:48,502 --> 00:00:50,225 community while gaining unique 24 00:00:50,225 --> 00:00:52,280 practical skills . And while our job 25 00:00:52,280 --> 00:00:54,336 primarily focuses on cyber defense , 26 00:00:54,336 --> 00:00:56,558 this mission has provided some valuable 27 00:00:56,558 --> 00:00:58,391 opportunities uh to train in red 28 00:00:58,391 --> 00:01:00,280 teaming and adversary emulation , 29 00:01:00,280 --> 00:01:01,836 significantly enhancing our 30 00:01:01,836 --> 00:01:03,669 capabilities . A lot of a lot of 31 00:01:03,669 --> 00:01:05,947 companies , you know , try to do their , 32 00:01:05,947 --> 00:01:05,724 their own security assessments , right ? 33 00:01:05,735 --> 00:01:07,957 Uh like in house security assessments , 34 00:01:07,957 --> 00:01:10,179 but the way I see it , it's more like , 35 00:01:10,179 --> 00:01:12,124 uh , like when we go out and buy a 36 00:01:12,124 --> 00:01:14,346 house , right ? Uh , you go out there , 37 00:01:14,346 --> 00:01:16,402 you look for your builder , you like 38 00:01:16,402 --> 00:01:18,624 the house , but the builder says , no , 39 00:01:18,624 --> 00:01:17,720 don't worry about it . We already 40 00:01:17,730 --> 00:01:19,563 inspected , right ? But you as a 41 00:01:19,563 --> 00:01:21,452 customer , you wanna know exactly 42 00:01:21,452 --> 00:01:23,563 what's wrong with the house , right ? 43 00:01:23,563 --> 00:01:25,786 So that's kind of where we are , we are 44 00:01:25,786 --> 00:01:27,674 the builder , we're doing our own 45 00:01:27,674 --> 00:01:29,841 little security assessments and trying 46 00:01:29,841 --> 00:01:31,786 to see what we have wrong . But we 47 00:01:31,786 --> 00:01:34,008 wanna bring in somebody that can , uh , 48 00:01:34,008 --> 00:01:35,841 look at different things that we 49 00:01:35,841 --> 00:01:37,952 haven't really caught up the eye on . 50 00:01:37,952 --> 00:01:40,174 So that's , that's what the I RT brings 51 00:01:40,174 --> 00:01:42,286 to the table . I 100% recommend the I 52 00:01:42,286 --> 00:01:44,286 RT I RT team . Uh , they've been so 53 00:01:44,286 --> 00:01:46,397 good , they know what they're doing . 54 00:01:46,397 --> 00:01:48,397 It's been a great experience and we 55 00:01:48,397 --> 00:01:50,452 look forward to working with you all 56 00:01:50,452 --> 00:01:50,199 again is .