WEBVTT 00:00.079 --> 00:02.329 My name is Colonel . My name is Colonel 00:02.339 --> 00:04.395 Tracy Bozan and I'm the commander of 00:04.395 --> 00:06.450 the 55th Medical Group . And can you 00:06.450 --> 00:08.672 spell your whole name ? Sure . Tracy is 00:08.672 --> 00:12.590 Tr Ac Y Bozan is Boz Un as in 00:12.600 --> 00:16.379 November , G as in golf . So this 00:16.389 --> 00:18.389 weekend , we are participating in a 00:18.389 --> 00:20.280 mass casualty exercise where we 00:20.290 --> 00:22.290 practice with community partners as 00:22.290 --> 00:24.290 well as our own team members to get 00:24.290 --> 00:27.129 proficient in caring for casualties and 00:27.280 --> 00:29.502 other individuals that might be injured 00:29.502 --> 00:32.380 in a mass casualty event . Ok . What 00:32.389 --> 00:34.389 exactly is the hospital going to do 00:34.389 --> 00:37.069 during this exercise ? So we are one of 00:37.080 --> 00:39.247 the first responders that participates 00:39.247 --> 00:41.469 along with security forces and our fire 00:41.469 --> 00:44.009 teams and that group of people , all 00:44.020 --> 00:45.742 are the first ones on scene to 00:45.742 --> 00:47.742 stabilize the casualties as well as 00:47.750 --> 00:49.972 decide who needs to get sent for higher 00:49.972 --> 00:52.860 levels of care . What type of 00:52.869 --> 00:55.049 relationships do we have with other 00:55.060 --> 00:58.400 emergency medical services and agencies 00:58.409 --> 01:00.939 off base ? So we are very fortunate and 01:00.950 --> 01:03.006 have an amazing working relationship 01:03.006 --> 01:05.006 with all of the local hospitals and 01:05.006 --> 01:06.617 community clinics around the 01:06.617 --> 01:08.506 installation as well as our local 01:08.506 --> 01:10.617 partners . We've actually had several 01:10.617 --> 01:12.617 already with both fire and security 01:12.617 --> 01:14.728 forces and the local police , as well 01:14.728 --> 01:16.617 as our local hospital agencies to 01:16.617 --> 01:18.783 figure out how we can best respond and 01:18.783 --> 01:21.160 prepare for something like this . How 01:21.180 --> 01:23.402 does it make you feel , knowing that we 01:23.402 --> 01:25.124 have these relationships ? Our 01:25.124 --> 01:27.124 relationships with our partners are 01:27.124 --> 01:29.940 absolutely key . There was a famous 01:29.949 --> 01:32.171 speaker named Stephen Covey who wrote a 01:32.171 --> 01:34.393 book called The Speed Of Trust and that 01:34.393 --> 01:36.870 is a great relationship um example for 01:36.879 --> 01:38.935 what we have here . So we've already 01:38.935 --> 01:41.046 built trust with all those agencies . 01:41.046 --> 01:43.268 And so when we get into something where 01:43.268 --> 01:43.250 there's a lot of stress and a lot of 01:43.260 --> 01:45.430 decisions have to be made quickly for 01:45.440 --> 01:47.496 the safety of our patients , then we 01:47.496 --> 01:49.662 already have that trust built . And so 01:49.662 --> 01:53.639 we could actuate very quickly if this 01:53.650 --> 01:56.260 were a real life situation , how much 01:56.269 --> 01:58.491 easier would it be to respond ? Because 01:58.491 --> 02:00.547 you already have this relationship , 02:00.547 --> 02:02.769 obviously extremely easy to respond . 02:02.779 --> 02:04.890 We've practiced together , we've done 02:04.890 --> 02:06.946 real world activities together and I 02:06.946 --> 02:08.835 think we would , we're absolutely 02:08.835 --> 02:10.979 prepared for whatever happens next . 02:13.250 --> 02:15.306 How often do you get to partner with 02:15.306 --> 02:17.419 these agencies ? So we get to partner 02:17.429 --> 02:19.596 with the agencies , obviously , during 02:19.596 --> 02:21.707 exercises like this as well as during 02:21.707 --> 02:23.873 real world activities that happen just 02:23.873 --> 02:25.873 day to day with us . Obviously , we 02:25.873 --> 02:27.651 don't have any mass casualty or 02:27.651 --> 02:29.707 experiences normally . Um But on the 02:29.707 --> 02:31.651 day to day events that happen just 02:31.651 --> 02:33.818 through the normal course of actions , 02:33.818 --> 02:35.651 we interact with these different 02:35.651 --> 02:38.509 agencies very frequently right , how do 02:38.520 --> 02:40.770 exercises like this improve the overall 02:40.779 --> 02:43.309 skills of everyone involved . So all of 02:43.320 --> 02:45.487 these exercises are absolutely key and 02:45.487 --> 02:47.729 essential to getting us to safely and 02:47.740 --> 02:49.690 effectively move our patients from 02:49.699 --> 02:51.921 point of injury to the definitive level 02:51.921 --> 02:54.088 of care that they need . And so all of 02:54.088 --> 02:56.255 these activities help us work together 02:56.255 --> 02:58.199 to smooth out any of the bumps and 02:58.199 --> 03:00.310 kinks that happen when you have large 03:00.310 --> 03:02.419 groups of people who need to move 03:02.429 --> 03:04.539 patients quickly together . This , 03:04.550 --> 03:06.772 that's essentially what these exercises 03:06.772 --> 03:08.772 are doing is to work those reps and 03:08.772 --> 03:10.883 sets so that we can make sure that we 03:10.883 --> 03:12.383 do it safely on the day of 03:15.679 --> 03:17.790 what's the number one thing you would 03:17.790 --> 03:20.012 like for the public to know about these 03:20.012 --> 03:22.290 exercises and why they're so important . 03:22.290 --> 03:24.457 These exercises allow us to build that 03:24.457 --> 03:26.512 muscle memory so that when something 03:26.512 --> 03:29.279 bad happens , we are 100% prepared to 03:29.289 --> 03:31.929 help and protect those that we serve as 03:31.940 --> 03:33.718 well as move those patients and 03:33.718 --> 03:35.884 casualties from the point of injury to 03:35.884 --> 03:35.809 where they can get the definitive care 03:35.820 --> 03:36.820 that they need 03:39.699 --> 03:41.921 because we've trained together with off 03:41.921 --> 03:44.070 base agencies . Will this help reduce 03:44.080 --> 03:45.802 response times in the future ? 03:46.199 --> 03:47.979 Absolutely . Any time we get to 03:47.990 --> 03:49.823 exercise , any time you practice 03:49.823 --> 03:52.380 together , it obviously facilitates 03:52.389 --> 03:54.556 building those relationships and those 03:54.556 --> 03:56.722 that muscle memory so that we can move 03:56.722 --> 03:58.945 patients quickly um from where they get 03:58.945 --> 03:58.449 injured to where they need their 03:58.460 --> 04:00.690 definitive treatment . Is there 04:00.699 --> 04:03.529 anything you'd like to add . We are so 04:03.539 --> 04:05.706 very thankful for our partner agencies 04:05.706 --> 04:07.817 out there and how willing they are to 04:07.817 --> 04:10.039 team with us on a daily basis . So that 04:10.039 --> 04:12.150 activities like this go off without a 04:12.150 --> 04:10.940 hitch .