WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:02.150 When you say ready , you have to wait 00:02.160 --> 00:04.340 until they all echo ready . Members of 00:04.349 --> 00:06.516 team Offett recently took part in some 00:06.516 --> 00:08.738 training outside of the normal assigned 00:08.738 --> 00:10.793 duties inside building D . Those are 00:10.793 --> 00:12.738 those facing moments . That's when 00:12.738 --> 00:14.793 those are going to come in . They're 00:14.793 --> 00:14.510 learning the proper way to carry a 00:14.520 --> 00:16.549 casket for a dignified transfer of 00:16.559 --> 00:20.370 remains . But before they get 00:20.379 --> 00:22.490 here , they have to relearn something 00:22.490 --> 00:24.268 they've been taught since basic 00:24.268 --> 00:26.323 training . So in honor guard , we do 00:26.323 --> 00:27.990 facing movements specifically 00:27.990 --> 00:30.101 ceremonial , which means we do them a 00:30.101 --> 00:32.323 lot slower and we do them with our toes 00:32.323 --> 00:34.435 together . So it's a whole new facing 00:34.435 --> 00:36.657 movement that we have to teach them for 00:36.657 --> 00:36.340 tech Sergeant Pierce . It's about 00:36.349 --> 00:38.516 something more than just teaching them 00:38.516 --> 00:40.127 new facing movements . So my 00:40.127 --> 00:42.189 grandfather is retired marines and I 00:42.200 --> 00:45.159 just laid him to rest about 2.5 years 00:45.169 --> 00:46.849 ago . And the opportunity to 00:46.860 --> 00:49.082 participate in these ceremonies is open 00:49.082 --> 00:51.304 to all ranks and branches of service to 00:51.304 --> 00:53.360 include off its civilian workforce . 00:53.360 --> 00:55.369 Just getting all of us together and 00:55.380 --> 00:57.547 understanding that all of us come from 00:57.547 --> 00:59.324 different jobs . All of us have 00:59.324 --> 01:01.380 different ranks and we're all coming 01:01.380 --> 01:03.930 together for one purpose . William 01:03.939 --> 01:05.995 mcconnell says he has family members 01:05.995 --> 01:08.161 who never came home from World War I I 01:08.161 --> 01:10.050 and Vietnam , this is very , very 01:10.050 --> 01:11.883 important to me . These could be 01:11.883 --> 01:14.106 relatives that I don't know about yet . 01:14.106 --> 01:16.272 So , and I think we owe those families 01:16.272 --> 01:17.995 that debt of honor and respect 01:17.995 --> 01:19.939 reporting from building D . I'm JB 01:19.939 --> 01:22.106 Arley for the 55th Wing Public Affairs 01:22.106 --> 01:24.272 Office where the sun never sets on the 01:24.272 --> 01:23.769 fight in 55th .