WEBVTT 00:00.310 --> 00:04.170 So let me s uh welcome Colonel Maria 00:04.179 --> 00:07.239 Meth and uh really , 00:08.029 --> 00:10.449 really exciting to host all of you here . 00:10.470 --> 00:14.359 You are a part of the most significant , 00:14.369 --> 00:17.469 most powerful air Force base literally 00:17.479 --> 00:19.639 in the world and your mission . And 00:19.649 --> 00:22.569 your work is , I uh tell people all 00:22.579 --> 00:25.020 across Nebraska , I talk about Offutt 00:25.030 --> 00:27.319 Air Force Base , how extraordinary the 00:27.329 --> 00:30.920 people are here and how everybody here 00:31.040 --> 00:33.619 that is stationed off . It falls in 00:33.630 --> 00:36.040 love with the people in Nebraska . And 00:36.049 --> 00:38.049 uh we're grateful for that , but uh 00:38.049 --> 00:40.105 mostly for all of your extraordinary 00:40.105 --> 00:43.619 work to keep us safe and uh the 00:43.630 --> 00:46.119 recon that takes place and all that you 00:46.130 --> 00:49.150 do every day pops this farm boys top 00:49.159 --> 00:51.326 off . It's , it's just extraordinary . 00:51.326 --> 00:53.159 So we're incredibly , incredibly 00:53.159 --> 00:55.479 grateful . And today it's the 30th 30th 00:55.490 --> 00:58.250 anniversary of the US Air Force 45th 00:58.259 --> 01:01.470 recon squadron at off it , uh also 01:01.479 --> 01:03.569 known as the Wildcats . So that's 01:03.580 --> 01:06.349 pretty cool . So , uh Colonel , please 01:06.360 --> 01:08.416 come up . Thank you for being here . 01:08.416 --> 01:10.527 Thanks for all . You do . Thank you , 01:10.527 --> 01:12.138 Governor . I appreciate it . 01:15.769 --> 01:18.629 Good morning . All . Thank you so much , 01:18.639 --> 01:20.480 Governor Hillen . I'm Lieutenant 01:20.489 --> 01:22.656 Colonel Maria Matti , the commander of 01:22.656 --> 01:24.878 the 45th recons squadron and along with 01:24.878 --> 01:27.900 me , 1214 of the Beth I in the Air 01:27.910 --> 01:30.669 force has . We are delighted to be here 01:30.989 --> 01:34.449 and honored by this proclamation our 01:34.459 --> 01:36.730 own day to celebrate 30 days of 01:36.739 --> 01:38.961 worldwide reconnaissance and service to 01:38.961 --> 01:41.959 our nation . I would be remiss if I did 01:41.970 --> 01:44.026 not acknowledge and thank Lieutenant 01:44.026 --> 01:45.803 Kyle Cope for spearheading this 01:45.803 --> 01:48.339 initiative for you at Kyle . Thank you 01:48.349 --> 01:51.629 very much for 30 years . The Wildcats 01:51.639 --> 01:54.110 have deployed nearly every day to 01:54.120 --> 01:56.599 verify international treaty compliance , 01:56.830 --> 01:59.052 surveil missile testing . To understand 01:59.052 --> 02:02.029 the adversary's capabilities , detect 02:02.040 --> 02:04.639 the new and unknown weapon systems and 02:04.650 --> 02:07.370 collect nuclear debris particles during 02:07.379 --> 02:10.289 nuclear detonations to protect our US 02:10.300 --> 02:13.050 forces in our national interest . For 02:13.059 --> 02:16.009 decades , the airmen of the 45th , some 02:16.020 --> 02:18.850 of them here today have deployed out of 02:18.860 --> 02:21.669 off Air Force base , Nebraska with the 02:21.679 --> 02:24.190 utmost confidence that our spouses , 02:24.199 --> 02:27.720 Children , colleagues would remain safe , 02:27.839 --> 02:30.559 cared for and properly supported 02:31.360 --> 02:34.029 you . The civic leaders of Nebraska 02:34.460 --> 02:36.130 have played an immense and an 02:36.139 --> 02:39.070 invaluable part in our success . Your 02:39.080 --> 02:41.610 support has been the backbone of our 02:41.619 --> 02:44.410 operations . Thank you for enabling our 02:44.419 --> 02:47.990 missions while this is a truly 02:48.190 --> 02:50.639 special moment and unique proclamation 02:51.339 --> 02:53.869 and honor declaring July 1st as Wildcat 02:53.880 --> 02:57.169 Day . It is your relentless support to 02:57.179 --> 03:00.729 our airmen and our families . What you 03:00.740 --> 03:03.610 do as a team every day here that we 03:03.619 --> 03:07.210 truly appreciate and that we cherish 03:07.759 --> 03:09.870 and that we need in order to continue 03:10.869 --> 03:13.220 this proclamation is not just a date on 03:13.229 --> 03:15.309 the calendar , but a symbol of our 03:15.320 --> 03:17.509 shared commitment and the recognition 03:17.520 --> 03:20.880 of our collective efforts . It is truly 03:20.889 --> 03:23.539 the good life . Thanks again , Governor 03:23.550 --> 03:26.910 Pillen . And remember all the 45th in 03:26.919 --> 03:28.910 God , we trust and all others we 03:28.919 --> 03:30.800 monitor . Thank you very much . 03:37.100 --> 03:41.029 Let me uh say , whereas the Wildcats 03:41.039 --> 03:43.050 have 212 service members in the 03:43.059 --> 03:45.889 squadron who deploy globally under the 03:45.899 --> 03:48.690 command of Lieutenant Colonel met . And 03:48.699 --> 03:51.029 whereas the Wildcats have earned well 03:51.039 --> 03:53.206 deserve praise and appreciation for 30 03:53.206 --> 03:55.539 years of service at off Air Force Base . 03:55.550 --> 03:57.606 And whereas over three decades , the 03:57.606 --> 03:59.889 Wildcats have earned two Air and Space 03:59.899 --> 04:01.860 Outstanding Unit awards , five Air 04:01.869 --> 04:04.091 Force Outstanding Unit awards and eight 04:04.091 --> 04:06.080 meritorious service awards . And 04:06.089 --> 04:08.200 whereas the Wildcats have earned WE D 04:08.270 --> 04:10.899 or and appreciation for 30 years of 04:10.910 --> 04:13.850 service at off at Air Force Base . Now , 04:13.860 --> 04:16.082 therefore be I Jim Pillin , governor of 04:16.082 --> 04:18.304 the great state of Nebraska , do hereby 04:18.304 --> 04:21.529 proclaim the first day of July 2024 as 04:21.540 --> 04:23.619 Wildcat day in Nebraska . And I do 04:23.630 --> 04:25.890 hereby urge all citizens to take due 04:25.899 --> 04:26.540 notice . 04:32.369 --> 04:36.320 Ok . Squeeze in and do 04:36.329 --> 04:38.470 sideways . That'd be awesome . Thank 04:38.480 --> 04:38.670 you .