16th Air Force (AFCYBER) Public Affairs

Media Relations

Our media relations team facilitates engagement and two-way communication with external media. All media queries and requests for interviews must be coordinated through the 16th Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) Public Affairs Office and may be submitted via email to 16AF.PA.MediaOps@us.af.mil.
For both, media queries and interview requests, provide your full name, your news organization, and desired response date/time along with your specific question(s).

Community Engagement

The community engagement team works to put you, the community, in touch with your U.S. Air Force to hear from the Airmen who make the mission happen.
Speaking engagements and official public appearances by Airmen help increase public awareness and understanding of the people and mission.
Our Speakers Bureau is comprised of outstanding, professional, well-spoken military members and DoD civilians, from a variety of backgrounds,  who represent the diversity of the U.S. Military.
If you are interested in having one of our speakers at your event, please complete the Community Engagement Request Form.
Please note, completion of this form does not confirm or guarantee approval or support. Mission requirements may preclude an approved request and a scheduled appearance may be cancelled on short notice.