Embracing the work-life challenge

  • Published
  • By 1st Lt. Amanda Ley
  • 2d Weather Group

March is Women’s History Month and the 2d Weather Group would like to highlight the current commander of the 2d Systems Operations Squadron.

Lt. Col. Heidi Schiano claims Langley AFB, Virginia, as her home but like many Air Force “brats,” she struggles to identify exactly where her hometown is located.

Growing up, Schiano learned about dedication and military service from her father, who was an Air Force F-111 pilot.  His example instilled the Air Force core values in her at an early age. Schiano became a mother last year and has embraced the challenge of work-life balance. When asked about her success, she simply credits others.

“I am grateful to have a supportive husband and a phenomenal squadron leadership team who help me,” Schiano said. “I’m honored to be the first female to command 2d SYOS since its activation. I hope it helps to eliminate any barriers that younger Airmen may perceive to their own success, so they know there is no ceiling to what they can achieve.”

Schiano said she loves being part of an Air Force that values diversity and strives for inclusion and equal opportunity for all who serve. 

“I truly believe that diversity is a strength, as the various backgrounds, cultures, and life experiences that people have make them who they are,” said Schiano. “Each person’s story is valuable and needs to be heard.  When we celebrate everything that people bring to the table, the Air Force truly gets the best from each individual and becomes the best as a whole.”