363 ISRW breaks ground for new Air Force Targeting Center
A ground-breaking ceremony for the new 363d Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Group Air Force Targeting Center was held Sept. 16, 2021 at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va. Pictured from left to right is the Honorable Donnie Tuck, Mayor, City of Hampton, Chief Master Sgt. Jason Funkhauser, 363 ISRW Command Chief, U.S. Army COL Harry Hung, 633d Air Base Wing Vice Commander, Col. Eric Mack, 363 ISRW Commander, Col. Jacob McManus, Individual Mobilization Assistant to the 363d ISRW Commander, Col. John Thorne, 363 ISRW Vice Commander, Mr. Frank McAlphine, 363 ISRW Director of Staff and Chief Master Sgt. Gerald Agner, 363 ISRG Superintendent. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. AJ Hyatt)