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  • Awareness stimulates holiday safety

    With the holidays approaching, it is a good time to make a plan for staying safe. The hustle and bustle of shopping, driving, travelling, and planning celebrations brings increased risk, both at work and at home. Far too often this leads to injury or even death. By recognizing and being aware of

  • Building digital literacy through Digital University

    The Air Force recently launched a program called Digital University to help increase digital literacy, by providing access to free courses from Udemy, Pluralsight, and Udacity to all Department of the Air Force air and space professionals. ACC is pushing to lead the way for the Air Force as a

  • Risks for Air Force Riders

    The Air Force Safety Center took a look at common risks riders experienced over the past 10 years that resulted in mishaps. These risks can be used as lessons learned or food for thought for all riders.

  • Work & Life Balance – Dispelling the Myth!

    Balance can’t always be measured a day or even week at a time. Balance, like resiliency, is measured over the long haul. Part of finding this long-term healthy mindset is acknowledging the fact that the desired work-life balance may be slightly off day to day. Be willing to accept that we strive for

  • Diversity, inclusion board seeks input from all DOD personnel

    The Department of Defense Board on Diversity and Inclusion will focus on actions to enhance diversity and inclusion and drive a cultural shift to create lasting change in the Defense Department, from recruiting, career track selection and retention; to accessions, assignments, schools and

  • 2nd CWSS narrows Air Force Weather’s first-in communications gap

    Members from Air Force Weather and Special Operations communities gathered at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, Feb. 20, to test a first-in communications capability with potential for the global Air Force mission. Joint Special Operations Command, 2nd Combat Weather Systems Squadron, 18th Weather Squadron

  • 15th OWS creating margin with Ready Month

    The 15th Operational Weather Squadron has introduced a new scheduling model this year to improve readiness, morale and the ability to train. Dubbed “Ready Month,” the plan provides the opportunity for one of the squadron’s four operational flights to come off 24/7 operations for a month to focus on

  • Cyber Evolution: 16th WS

    The 16th Weather Squadron is leading the way, reorganizing to become the 557th Weather Wing’s dedicated software and innovation squadron, a move that will generate new insights on environmental intelligence for combatant commanders around the globe. When complete, the reorganization will reinforce